Spring Flowers

The first day of Spring is, March 20th, is just around the corner. The spring equinox or the first day of spring, days are close to 12 hours long with day length increasing as the season progresses. So there will soon be time to enjoy those beautiful spring flowers.

In spring, the axis of the Earth is increasing its tilt toward the Sun and the length of daylight rapidly increases for the relevant hemisphere. The hemisphere begins to warm significantly causing new plant growth to "spring forth," giving the season its name.

Late Winter/Early Spring Flowers

Winter Aconite: Also known as Eranthis, these pale yellow blooms might be considered insignificant later in the year, but they are a joyous sight when they push through the snow.

Witch Hazel: These shrubs add a wonderful touch of yellow in the early spring garden. Some cultivars bloom red.

Crocus: The earliest varieties, such as Crocus chrysanthus, Crocus sieberi and Crocus tommasinianus, bloom through the snow. These are the small crocus that usually flower in shades of purple or yellow.

Hellebore: These are often known by common names such as Christmas Rose and Lenten Rose in areas with mild winters.

Camellia: This beautiful shrub has lovely blossoms in mild winter climates or early spring in slightly harsher areas.

Snowdrop: This is another early bulb that sometimes blooms even through the snow.

Chionodoxa: This is commonly called Glory of the Snow. These pale blue flowers bloom as the snow melts.

Pansy: Cool growers, pansies bloom early and hardy to frost and snow. The will continue to bloom until the weather turns hot.

Spring Flower with an Early Spring Blooms

Daffodil: The earliest narcissi appear in early spring, especially small cultivars like Tete-a-Tete.

Iris Reticulata: The large iris are a summer pleasure, but this small beauty is an early spring treasure.

Forsythia: This bright yellow shrub literally screams "Springtime!"

Scilla: These small bulbs produce wonderful blue and purple blossoms.

Anemone: The blanda species produces pale blue and white starry blossoms for the spring garden.

Pussy Willow: Salix discolor and Salix caprea were standards in many grandmothers' gardens, but new varieties have larger and more strongly-colored catkins to delight today's gardeners.


Mid - Spring Flowers and Flowering Trees

Daffodil: These are the glory of the mid-spring blossoms. Large, late varieties like King Alfred and Mount Hood are brilliant even on rainy days.

Tulip: On everyone's list of spring flowers, these are starting their long period of bloom in mid-spring.

Rhododendron and azaleas: Both are just starting their springtime display.

Muscari: Often planted with daffodils and tulips, muscari hug the ground beneath those taller flowers.

Redbud trees: Their branches are outlined with wonderful pink blooms before their leaves appear.

Dogwood trees: These are breathtaking in the spring garden.

Star Magnolia Tree: The star magnolia, Magnolia stellata, is the first to bloom.

Trillium: This is just one of the many wildflowers that bloom before the large trees are fully leafed out.

Ornamental forms of Cherry and Crabapple trees are beautiful in mid-spring.

Hyacinths: These spring flowers bring scent as well as color to the spring garden.

Primrose: Jewels in the spring garden, Primula veris (Cowslip) and Primula vulgare (Common primrose) are the best known, but you will find many varieties are available in garden centers.


Late Spring Flowers and Flowering Trees

Lily of the Valley: This highly fragrant flower typically blooms in late spring, but it can bloom earlier in years with mild winters.

Saucer Magnolia Tree: Magnolia x soulangiana, the saucer magnolia, is a beautiful late spring bloomer.

Lilac: This shrub fills the late spring garden with scent and color.

Spiraea: These shrubs are an old-fashioned favorite.

Peonies: These shrubs carry the garden from late spring into summer.

Allium: Somewhat prosaically called the "flowering onion," this bloom is spectacular.

Wood Anemone: Anemones are always lovely in the wilderness garden.

Jack in the Pulpit: This wildflower is a favorite in spring.

As we transition through Spring the areas deciduous trees and shrubs will produce leaves and start filling in your landscape. This is also the time to begin to monitor your landscape and treat for damaging insects. As we look forward into 2016 a major insect problem has been forecasted. The invasive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been found throughout New Jersey and is already killing thousands of Ash Trees. Preventative treatments are available and should be done regularly to protect your tress. Contact Tree Dr LLC for an estimate to SAVE YOUR ASH. www.TreeDrNJ.com