Spotted Lanternfly and Emerald Ash Borer Control in New Jersey


New Jersey's trees are under attack by invasive insects.

Spotted Lanternfly was first identified in Pennsylvania in 2014 and was found in New Jersey in 2019. As populations continue to increase the spotted lanternfly (SLF) is spreading throughout the state. The Ailanthus or Tree of Heaven is the SLF’s primary host tree, however it has been found to feed on 70 different types of trees. Significant adult feeding activity has been confirmed on the following trees: Tree of Heaven, Red Maple, Silver Maple, River Birch, Willow, Black Walnut and Tulip Poplar.

The Emerald Ash Borer is considered to be one of the most destructive pests found in North America.  First identified in Michigan in 2002, it has rapidly spread to 31 states killing million of ash trees.  Without preventive treatments New Jersey’s ASH TREES will be killed.

Tree Dr.’s mission is to save as many of New Jersey's trees as possible in order to preserve the beauty of the Garden State. Mature trees add curb appeal, increase property value and maintain the natural landscapes that make our historic towns what they are today. Tree Dr. is a local company with over 30 years experience in the tree and landscape industries. 

Customer satisfaction is our priority and it is evident in each property we service. Our staff consists of licensed technicians and Licensed Tree Experts who are well trained in controlling tree damaging insects.

Tree Dr. services the following counties: Hunterdon, Morris, Middlesex and Somerset.